
Showing posts from January, 2018

There are not many pictures

See what happens as a mission goes on is you get quite lazy at writing emails, so the questions have been cut as of today. One of the highLIGHTs of my week was we were replacing a bulb for an older lady at night and we were screwing the light back in, and I was watching and the light turned on and blinded both of us. District meeting was great they had a bell curve for the spirit over the course of a meeting, and how we need to commit them at the height of the bell curve, and let them feel the Spirit after we leave. And that made so much sense to my math mind, it was excellent. We also had an intresting experience where our member present started bashing with an investigator. We weren't sure what to do. So we sat there and smiled. We haven't gone back yet but it seemed as if the investigator could tell the difference between us and the member, so hopefully he will talk to us again. Don't bash, like ever. We also talked about how we should work with members ...

Rain + Bikes = Party

Apparently the flu has been going around pretty bad, because for the past two weeks, lots of people haven't been at church, canceled dinners, and opened the door, and said they were sick. The missionaries have stayed away from it so far, hopefully it stays that way. The flu knocks people down for a week or more. It rained on Monday, and we biked home from the church from basketball and got soaked, but that was just the beginning. We also got in contact with a less active recent convert, and now have weekly lessons. Tuesday was a full day of proslyting in the rain as we didn't have district meeting. We also don't have fenders on our bikes, and I learned why those suckers are so important, because I had dirt all over my face and back. We figured out a way to stop splashing water straight into our lower back and butt, but our faces were just getting junk thrown up into them the whole time. It was awesome, and I am glad it was fairly warm while it was raining. We dec...

I saw two snowflakes

They were two Christmas ornaments my wonderful mom sent me :) "The Book of Mormon is powerful evidence of the divinity of Christ. It is also proof of the Restoration through the Prophet Joseph Smith." So read it before you form an opinion of Mormons. Next question, what is my favorite story from the Book of Mormon. Last Monday a member wanted to go golfing and needed some people to go with him so he called us up and we went golfing. I was garbage, but it was fun because the member wasn't good either. We also went caroling with the ward mission leader which was alot of fun. An investigator was invited but canceled last minute :( We also had a family history lesson with some investigators we helped them do family history alot but they weren't as intrested in the restoration, bummer. We had an interesting experience when we knocked on a door and both it and the door next to it opened, so we had a panicked few moments where we didn't know...

We Roasted HotDogs

Alma 34:32 says "For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." Get prepared people! What is the role of the Book of Mormon? The zone has three LAX (Lacrosse) players and we ended up finding enough sticks we played 3 on 3 LAX which was a blast. And no one got injured which is also pretty great.  Dinner that night was also alot of fun because we roasted hotdogs over a fire. You should do that with your local missionaries. We had a great lesson with another person who is good friends with members. As we be a good example and invite others to learn more people are willing to see what we are alk about. This ward is great at that, and it is cool what happens because of it. We learned how to do some serious landscaping on Wednesday, we messed around with sprinkler systems, we dug trenches, we leveled stuff off. I am pretty much now a pro, so when I get back and get...

84 Degrees is nice

It has been unusually warm this week, it was in the 80's twice, and then I hear the rest of the country is enjoying a bit of a cold spell. Bummer The Book of Mormon is powerful evidence of the divinity of Christ. It is also proof of the Restoration through the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is why we are so pushy with it, it helps people understand what in the world we are saying. The question for next week is rethorical, what are your new years resolutions? and if you don't have any get some. Last week was Christmas and it was great fun, we got to skype home and our ward mission leader let us borrow his house which was really nice. Afterward one of his daughters got a magic set and so she treated everyone to a magic show, she was pretty good. They also got a mini laser tag set with 6 guns so we may have played a couple rounds of that with them. The Christmas season was pretty amazing, the service that we got to do and that the ward members were doing was awesome...