
Showing posts from May, 2018

Ramming Speed (oops from April 2018)

So a week or so ago, Elder F and I had a miscommunication about which direction we were going so he turned right into my back tire and rammer into it. Neither of us fell of, but we discovered we had broken a spoke. That is what the 25 dollars was for. On another note, we have been playing the Oregon Trail game on PDays, and the game is so funny, because there is a chance almost every turn for you to just die and be done. Besides that there is nothing too exciting. We had exchanges this week which was great except for the fact I left some things at our apartment which I had to borrow when I got there, and then I left some things at their apartment when I left. Besides that the day went great! We found a new Investigator, we taught a good lesson, and I got to be in car for a day. I also discovered an excellent restaurant named Dickeys, it is a smoking pit resturaunt, and the location we went to had complimentary ice soft serve ice cream! We got to do some great servi...

Missions are full of miracles

My favorite thing as a missionary is the miracle of people you are trying to get into contact with  replying to your text, or returning a call. And that happened this week, so put that in the record books. I met the bishop and he is awesome. He is a chemical engineer who is an inventor on the side. He made a coconut milk to biodiesel thing that is self sufficient and it is in Tonga. He also invented a nail polish remover that doesn't strip the nails. He named it after his daughter. Meanwhile we had a bit of an ant genocide, the elders left some trash when they left and we just found it. We followed the trail of ants, so one of the Elders in the apartment got the Windex and sprayed them down. We have won the war. We also did service for a man with a turtle named Toby. Everything else is irrelevant.  We had an excellent zone conference, I learned how to be a missionary, it was great! We learned how to receive revelation, as well as helping the investigators ...

Toby the Turtle

Happy Mothers day! Pictures of myself as requested. It was great to phone home, though, next time there will be another Brother... IN LAW! This week was awesome, we are visiting pretty much everyone we can, since both of us are new to the area, so we are meeting some really fun people. There is one guy who has a whole room of his house dedicated to Star Wars memorabilia. He has life sized statues of Jar Jar, Yoda, and Darth Maul, and hundreds of action figures. There is this one guy we are working with, who hasn't been to church in a while, and is looking to start coming again, and we were talking about how being a worthy preisthood holder will bless his family, and he got super happy and excited,then when we taught about the Book of Mormon, he said he never really understood it before and why it was relevant to him, but now he wants to read the whole thing! What a book! We also did service for this one guy who is cleaning out his backyard, and it was...

Fontana with Elder R

Elder R is from F, Arkansas! My first non Utah companion! He is a cultured guy, he is a big fan of musicals, especially Hamilton. He has a very similar personality, to me so that is good fun. Fontana is way more condensed than Redlands, houses are crammed in everywhere, one place we cover Heritage, looks like an avacado split in half and laid open. And there is hundreds of houses stuffed in there. Robin, the strawberries were way good, as was the cake 5 thumbs up. Thank you soooooo much.  A member who helps out animal shelters, had baby possums and real cats when we went to say goodbye so that was interesting. The bad news is that the apartment was a mess, so we had to spend some time cleaning up. Bummer, but now it looks nicer Saturday we biked around for about 8 hours trying to get to know people, in the mid 90's. Good practice for the summer.  We had some really good tacos from this little place where you ordered inside and they cooked it outs...

I am off to Fontana

This week was great, D got baptized! Everything else pales in comparison to salvation. I ate frog legs, pattè (I think that is how you spell it), and baby octopus. A member does a missionary moment with there kids. They get food from all over and the kids have to eat it and compliment it no matter how weird or bad it is.  We taught an English class, Elder F knew no Spanish, it was alot of fun I am going to Baseline in fontana to be with Elder R, he hasn't been out for too long.  Happy Birthday to me, short email Elder Bearman I will miss prospect park So long staci court, quarter my mission I am not a pattè fan

When life gives you lemons...

You make a bunch of lemon based foods. The other elders in our apartment got 8 big, fat lemons. So we cooked up lunch with it. We had super lemony chicken, super lemony green beans, and lemony rice. Then for dessert, we knocked down a quarter slice of lemon. It was a great lunch. As can be seen from the pictures, we went to a member to see how they were doing, and they showed us all of their recent pet aquisistions, a corn snake, a cockapoo, and a kitten.  The temple delivered on being a revelatory experience, as well as it was really calm and peaceful. Then we got back out to the grind. And the responsibility came back. I would now like to take a break from the show to put in a plug for one of the best inventions ever, Slime. We were biking around as biking missionaries tend to do, and my back tire kept getting a slow flat, even after pumping it up again and again. So we head back to the apartment, and I was really sad because the back tire takes so much effort to t...