When life gives you lemons...

You make a bunch of lemon based foods. The other elders in our apartment got 8 big, fat lemons. So
we cooked up lunch with it. We had super lemony chicken, super lemony green beans, and lemony rice. Then for dessert, we knocked down a quarter slice of lemon. It was a great lunch.

As can be seen from the pictures, we went to a member to see how they were doing, and they showed us all of their recent pet aquisistions, a corn snake, a cockapoo, and a kitten. 

The temple delivered on being a revelatory experience, as well as it was really calm and peaceful. Then we got back out to the grind. And the responsibility came back.

I would now like to take a break from the show to put in a plug for one of the best inventions ever, Slime. We were biking around as biking missionaries tend to do, and my back tire kept getting a slow flat, even after pumping it up again and again. So we head back to the apartment, and I was really sad because the back tire takes so much effort to take off and put back on again. So I was looking at the tire and saw a goat head (basically some demonic plant that drops a ball with two rose thin sized thorns) so I decided to pull it out (usually you just leave them in and they are fine because Slime is the best) so I pulled it out and air started hissing out, but I spun the bike tire around a couple times and the Slime patched it up. It was a lifesaver. Slime is great.

We had a great district meeting as well, we learned about how Diligence is giving 100% every day, but keeping in mind that your 100% changes from day to day.
Also at church, they talked about the atonement, and how when we repent, we are not accessing this magical Atonement, that we are sure how it works. We are very simply asking Jesus Christ for forgiveness. The atonement is super powerful.

Elder Bearman

I ate a lemon slice
I love prospect park, especially on bike
The baptism is this Saturday!


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