
Showing posts from November, 2017

Prospect Park on a Bike

What we do in temples is make more covenants, or promises, like at baptism, with Heavenly Father. One of them is getting sealed to our families, for time and all eternity. This week, who visits the Americas in the Book of Mormon? Mom I made my first batch of cookies Monday, and the oven burned them pretty good on the bottom so that was super sad. But the tops are delicious! Also we were out walking around a neighborhood and a member gave us a call and asked, do you want some cake? And we were like sure, what's it for? And he said, oh me and my wife just wanted cake and when you are an adult you can just go but a cake. Also the Christmas initiative is coming up, and we are starting to show the video at dinners, have you guys back home seen it? It should be a very fun Christmas. Tuesday I was so fried, I was super stressed and saying goodbye to people was not fun, I like them. Thankfully after transfers the stress went away.  Prospect Park is an intere...

Halloween was weird

We feel happy when we diligently do missionary work, because we are becoming more godlike, God's purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man ( Moses 1:39 ), as we participate in that work, diligently, we can feel that same joy that he feels (from D&C 18 ), how great it is What book does this talk about? "This book is a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation.    The crowning event recorded in this book is the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It puts forth the doctrines of the gospel, outlines the plan of salvation, and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, We invite all men everywhere to read this book, to ponder in their hearts the message i...

Johnny Lingo, A Blimp,

Bad things happen to good people because life isn't supposed to be easy, Elder Pingree said in his talk "Our trials help us discover and prepare for the work Heavenly Father has for us. Alma explained, “After much tribulation, the Lord … made me an instrument in his hands” (Mosiah 23:10). Like the Savior, whose atoning sacrifice enables Him to succor us (see Alma 7:11–12), we can use knowledge gained from difficult experiences to lift, strengthen, and bless others." See his talk hither, The question for this week is why does missionary work bring such joy? As for last Monday, someone found a hidden gem on LDS media library, we watched Johhny Lingo, and I was so excited! Evan's view of the blimp Tuesday was super sweet because we got a call from New York, a set of Elders there gave us a ca...