Halloween was weird

We feel happy when we diligently do missionary work, because we are becoming more godlike, God's purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39), as we participate in that work, diligently, we can feel that same joy that he feels (from D&C 18), how great it is

What book does this talk about?
"This book is a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation.   
The crowning event recorded in this book is the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
It puts forth the doctrines of the gospel, outlines the plan of salvation, and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts,
We invite all men everywhere to read this book, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world"

Last Monday we hiked heart rock, which is a little hike up by Lake Arrowhead and we went as a zone so that was really nice. And no one got lost or injured, miracles do happen. We then played knockout as a zone, president Dixon is pretty good at basketball.

Tuesday I saw a 2003 champagne Toyota Sienna [that is his high school car]. That was fun, we also had a district meeting where we talked about how we needed to keep our area book clean and tidy, how we need to tell the members HOW to do missionary work, and work on our finding plans. Also a big thing is obedience, "When you are obedient you have the spirit with you, when you are exactly obedient, the spirit will guide you".

  Also I rediscovered my love for pretzels, a member gave us some of those Halloween pretzels, and i had about 10 bags and it was delicious. We also ate at Jimmy John's and they had funny signs all over, I enjoyed eating there.

Then we went back to our apartment at 7 after a lesson and we attempted to be productive there. It was weird even as we were out at 5 and 6 people were giving us funny looks. And we felt extremely awkward as well. [people wondering if they were real missionaries or just dressed up as missionaries as their costume] It was nice to get back to the apartment.

We helped a member who's moving so we are helping her pack up her stuff so she can move. She is bringing along about 15 saucepans so that was fun. She also had 2 replica colts so that was cool, but we really had a good experience going through all of her old stuff. She had lots of interesting old stuff. She also had a can of beans that expired 10 years ago. Canned beans expired, they don't do that!

I also learned that I have much better studies at my desk, we did them at the church because of scheduling and it is so hard to focus. I think the desk is my safe spot, also I have felt the Spirit a lot there while studying so I like to be there.

Also the place we do service gave us a set of weights and two foldable bikes which is a bit of a miracle because we then started teaching a guy who has no form of transportation. So we gave him one of the bikes. Now he can get around faster and doesn't need to leave for church an hour early.

Another dentist trip and we learned that the Dodgers lost the World Series, there were many sad people in the area after that, but the two Texans in our zone were super stoked. We also had weekly planning which was good because I had a good time, if you are not focused and it takes forever, that is bad, this one took a while even though we were focused, and so it was an enjoyable experience.

Friday we had interviews with President Dixon and that was just an awesome time, he is so awesome, he has a knack for making you happy and feel good about yourself. He also hinted about what is happening at transfers but he always has last minute revelation. We also learned about the Light the World initiative. There is a hint thrown into a picture.

Then we had an interesting discussion with an investigator, he asked why did Adam have to fall? So we had an interesting discussion there. He brought up some good points. I think we were able to help him but not fully answer that.

We visited a member and their cat was in heat and so the whole lesson the cat would not stop bothering him, he was getting pretty steamed. Cats are weird.

In a talk from April 2011, it says "Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text" but really it should be we should first thing be kneeling in prayer. Just DO IT! 

We had dinner with a member who loved pumpkin stuff, and so with Halloween being over he had so many pumpkin things, he had pumpkin cider, pumpkin cake, pumpkin chocolate, and pumpkin pretzels, he was going nuts and his wife was so exasperated. That was an intresting dinner.

Also I got the package for which I am extremely thankful, I also bought some powdered sugar so the cookies will be a thing. Is vanilla extract just something you put in every baked good to make it taste better? And the banana chips are always appreciated.

We also taught a Word of Wisdom lesson that we were a bit worried about it's reception, but thankfully they have the faith to obey the prophets.

We got to sleep in an hour it was so weird, I woke up at the regular time and I was so confused. Then we got so tired at night, it was intresting. I had already got used to the schedule. Being so on schedule is super nice.

Elder Bearman

President Dixon is the best
best lesson of my mission on Friday
Hyperdunks for just 40 bucks 


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