Johnny Lingo, A Blimp,

Bad things happen to good people because life isn't supposed to be easy, Elder Pingree said in his talk "Our trials help us discover and prepare for the work Heavenly Father has for us. Alma explained, “After much tribulation, the Lord … made me an instrument in his hands” (Mosiah 23:10). Like the Savior, whose atoning sacrifice enables Him to succor us (see Alma 7:11–12), we can use knowledge gained from difficult experiences to lift, strengthen, and bless others."
The question for this week is why does missionary work bring such joy?

As for last Monday, someone found a hidden gem on LDS media library, we watched Johhny Lingo, and I was so excited!

Evan's view of the blimp
Tuesday was super sweet because we got a call from New York, a set of Elders there gave us a call to tell us about a super cool guy who was moving into our area. When I first picked up the phone I saw that it was from New York and I was like, booooo, robocall, but it wasn't it was some super awesome news! We met with him once on Friday and he came to church sunday and he is just awesome. He also lived in Shady Grove MD for about a month so that was super stellar. He also said that he planted 2000 new flowers at the DC temple a few months ago.

We also did a lot of work over phone, we made about we calls in one hour, it was so weird we made some texts and calls to get in touch with people and they all called back promptly. It was GREAT! 

Also at District meeting we talked about how we need to have high love and expectations for the people we teach because that is how we will help them grow the most. Also we need to look at them as Jesus would, see their divine potential. It's all about perspective.

We had our meeting with the ward to talk about missionary work and I talked a little less, last time apparently I wouldn't shut up. That is why it is important to have a companion who will tell you to shut up and then after the meeting tell you to stop talking too much.

We also did some family history with two members and that was a lot of fun, we helped teach one how to do it and another we helped find some names. And then they can take them to the temple! Temples are great.

Also sorry Mom I got lazy and bought a new watch, it is a fake G-shock so that is nice. Also and it is getting crazy out here what with the World Series going on. Last night some guy was hollering what seemed like all night long, turns out they went to extra innings and the final score ended up being like 12-11, or something like that. Also I have heard it's been raining home runs.

We also met a guy with a stranger than usual cat, the cat acts so weird, I can't even explain you will just have trust me.

We also got to clean the temple for 4 hours, including going down into the pits where vents are as well as scrubbing down the roof. Our shoes got so wet, it was like working at the pool, we should have brought flip flops. But it was awesome, we got to help make the temple pretty and not burn down. In case I haven't mentioned it before, temples are awesome. Everyone who can you go visit the nearest temple and just look at it, and if you can go inside.

Saturday was nuts, we had 2 hours of my newbie training since we have fallen a bit behind. Then the ward Halloween party, was absolutely crazy. We helped run a station, judge chili, and we operated a trunk. I had to talk with people and be charming for over two hours, I was soooo tired at the end of that I think we ended up going to bed at 9:30. 

We also met with a family that has so many kids running around, and we learned that he oldest, a 7 year old had a mean jab and sometimes her siblings would be running and yelling and then pow, they get knocked flat, I think there is 6 kids between the ages of 2 and 7. I got banana and Tapatio smeared all over one of my shirts, however my tie got out unscathed. 

Sunday we had a farewell talk and I was like "that was me!" He did pretty well, he even pulled out a pamphlet at one point. He also told about a stake presidency member teaching his class once and he said how many of you read your scriptures daily? And when he got no reply he said "I'll visit you in the terrestrial kingdom" and then he asked "how many say your morning and nightly prayers?" He got the same response and so he repeated, "I'll visit you in the terrestrial kingdom. Don't forget to read the scriptures and pray!

I also had a sweet study where I read in Alma 31 and 32 and learned about how to be a missionary. Everything that alma did, we are taught to do that same exact stuff. 

Also today we hiked heart rock so you should see some pictures from the mission about that. And we played  three zone games of knockout

Have a great week,
Elder Bearman

PS we were in Redlands for a dentist appointment, and the oranges are growing well, the crop looks promising this year

Service is cool, Helaman agrees
I do love to see the temple
My zone is so fun


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