
Showing posts from August, 2017

The field is not greener on the other side, it's white and already to harvest

Also to put you all at ease for later, I'm fine, on antibiotics, but fine. I read somewhere you need a good hook so they keep reading Also it is long because everything is new and exciting In answer to last weeks question, we need to repent of anything that pulls us away from God. The new questions is what does God do all day? (Sorry to all of my fellow missionaries who know this already) MTC Saturday I left off on Pday, I went to the temple which is always a great experience, I will admit I wasn't feeling great on Saturday, I think I had a cold, so I studied Lehi's Dream mostly [ i.e. fell asleep]  , but I keep learning new things every time I go, and the celestial room is always a nice peaceful experience, I can't wait to go to the temple during my mission.  Something cool we did in class afterward was we learned how to get referrals [ asking people if they know anyone that would like to learn more about Jesus ]. Share the message...

Last Letter from MTC, plus lessons in laundry, guac

 The answer to last weeks question is... we pray to show faith Next time you hear from me I will be out in the field [ in California ]. The pday was great I saw boo thang [ Emma's boyfriend ]  and Miller shimai [ One of Emma's companions ] at the temple. For some reason I thought she would be taller, but now I realize that because she was the same height as you in the pictures that means she is short like you Emma [ Emma claims she is much taller ]. Elder C was way sick so he slept for 4 hours. I did some good studying and then I exercised a bit in the gym, our zone leader was also sick and resting, so I took his companion. I discovered that doing the laundry is a lot of fun out here because you start running out of clothes and now I am like YAY NEW SOCKS! Also just watching the socks and shirts start to dwindle is a bit nerve wracking.  We also discovered that the MTC has interrogation rooms like in the movies, one way window, and micr...

Music, losing things, running into friends and relatives

Evan and friend Elder R So on Sunday I woke up super early in the morning and i sat there for a long time trying to decide if it was me accidentally waking up or whether I had heard my companion talking (I was dreaming that we were doing companion study). The reason I didn't want to get out is because I am on the top bunk with no ladder so it takes some effort to get in and out of bed. Then we had district meeting which was taught by a companionship, it was pretty meh, but someone made an excellent point and nd I was like WOOOOOOOAH! which actually occurs almost every day here I am always learning something new, and I love that. Also we were talking about the creation and one dude said he was thankful he was for how green Utah was and I was like, "NO BOI".  Anyway afterwards we had our branch meeting, he announced us noobs [ new arrivals for us old people ] which was two districts, and then who was leaving, I think there were three districts leav...

Second half of the first letter

Elder C [ Evan's companion in the MTC ] is awesome you have seem him, he is 4th of 5, older sisters, younger brother. Baseball, low bass in choir, and hates the heat. He also went to a ghetto school for Utah. He also is not a big fan of chocolate. The district leader is this loud dude from Texas, which usually is annoying but he is great because he is loud about the gospel. Also does stock market. In the district elders are going to Tampa, except for my companion and I.; and the sisters are going to N.Y. N.Y. south. The branch president [ church leader for a group of missionaries in the MTC ], he knows everywhere, he asked me what metro stop I live at. I also showed up late to the meeting were we met him. Whoops. The noob devotional [ opening church meeting for new missionaries ] was great. Couple interesting things, we sang Bring the World his Truth [link found to song here ], except instead of of we will be the world's missionaries, We sang we are now the world...

Half a letter, and lots of pictures

Evan & Companion Dad make sure you share my blogspot with everyone. They will want to know how my sense of humor is keeping up (hint it's fine).  I miss everyone, but not too bad. Also I decided that you guys were the ones who are out of luck because I am bringing my humor with me. This one is long because everything is new and exciting still.  Wednesday was long, 20 hours long. We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, but so did what seemed like 100 others. There was 2 workers working four check in terminals. And then this one group of about 10 girls skipped the line telling everyone that their flight was boarding in 20 minutes. That was my flight and I am pretty sure quite a few others as well. Thankfully I was able to skip security because I tried out a 30 day trial of Clear, so I skipped right to the front, I arrived just in time for boarding. Because it was such a rush, the goodbyes were short, just like ripping off a band aid...

Evan's Physical Mailing Address

Through August 22nd: Elder Evan Tanner Bearman AUG22  CA-RED 2005 N 900 E Unit 255 Provo UT 84602 August 23 forward: Elder Evan Tanner Bearman California Redlands Mission 7000 Central Avenue Highland, CA 92346