Half a letter, and lots of pictures

Evan & Companion
Dad make sure you share my blogspot with everyone. They will want to know how my sense of humor is keeping up (hint it's fine).  I miss everyone, but not too bad. Also I decided that you guys were the ones who are out of luck because I am bringing my humor with me. This one is long because everything is new and exciting still. 

Wednesday was long, 20 hours long. We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, but so did what seemed like 100 others. There was 2 workers working four check in terminals. And then this one group of about 10 girls skipped the line telling everyone that their flight was boarding in 20 minutes. That was my flight and I am pretty sure quite a few others as well. Thankfully I was able to skip security because I tried out a 30 day trial of Clear, so I skipped right to the front, I arrived just in time for boarding. Because it was such a rush, the goodbyes were short, just like ripping off a band aid.Then Aunt Robin was on the same flight so she bumped me up to comfort, not quite first class but still pretty nice. As we were boarding some dude asked if I was returning from a mission. That was weird that he recognized me just because I was an 18 year old in nice clothes. So we got on the plane and sat down, the wall of the
plane had, duct tape so me and Robin were a bit confused, and a teensy bit worried, me writing this email shows that it turned out fine. The three best parts of the plane trip, was I napped for the first 2 hours, I was "sir"ed by the flight crew (not sure if it was me looking fancy, or that delta is just better than southwest), and they gave me a banana. In the awake time I was reading some scriptures and learned that the Spirit carries us when it comes to sharing the gospel, our job is to start the ball rolling. Then me and Robin got off and headed to Provo, We stopped off for some Indian food along the way. The first one was closed, it was 10:45 but we kept on driving and went to another one and it was open when we got there. I couldn't pronounce most of it but it was good. As we were leaving we saw some restaurant with it's drive through so backed up we couldn't get out for a while. We were interested what restaurant was so good you waited 30 minutes in line for it at 11 AM. It was such a disappointed when it turned out to be Swig [a fancy flavored soda / soft drink bar], we also became disappointed in humanity, we groaned so loud. Then we got some ice cream, and I had muddy bunch which sounded good and turned out great.
We couldn't procrastinate any longer so we started off to the MTC. We arrived at 12:15 so we didn't have to go under we pulled right up, and two sisters going to the Philippines decided to host me. But they are leaving when Daniel gets in he won't meet them, apparently hosting is randomly assigned to a district so who knows if I will get to host you guys [Jacob & Daniel enter the MTC next Wednesday]. So then I got to wait in a classroom with one Elder who arrived before me, for the rest of the district to arrive.

[Evan accidently deleted the rest of his letter]

I thought I sent it but I deleted it instead. So I will retype up the other stuff later and sent it next Saturday. But I am loving it out here and am amazed that there is no commercial thing out here in Utah, I am only here to feel the Spirit and boy do I feel it. People who have been to EFY [Especially for Youth is a youth religious retreat] says the MTC [missionary training center] is 10 times better. If anyone is sitting on the fence or not at all I recommend it.
Fellow Missionaries in his District (group)

Sorry about that
Elder Bearman

If you don't say Elder
You must do ten pushups to remember
My arms and chest hurt

For Jimmy
Repping Maryland
Ice Cream in Bed


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