Second half of the first letter

Elder C [Evan's companion in the MTC] is awesome you have seem him, he is 4th of 5, older sisters, younger brother. Baseball, low bass in choir, and hates the heat. He also went to a ghetto school for Utah. He also is not a big fan of chocolate. The district leader is this loud dude from Texas, which usually is annoying but he is great because he is loud about the gospel. Also does stock market. In the district elders are going to Tampa, except for my companion and I.; and the sisters are going to N.Y. N.Y. south. The branch president [church leader for a group of missionaries in the MTC], he knows everywhere, he asked me what metro stop I live at. I also showed up late to the meeting were we met him. Whoops. The noob devotional [opening church meeting for new missionaries] was great. Couple interesting things, we sang Bring the World his Truth [link found to song here], except instead of of we will be the world's missionaries, We sang we are now the world's missionaries, that was FREAKY. Also it was a bunch of pep talk so that doesn't bode to well. My 20 hour day ended with my mind being so far gone. I unpacked one thing then realized that I needed something else after I already put my suitcase away. That took 20 minutes of my life. Also i didn't know Dad put my ties under a shirt on a hanger so I was scared for another 5 minutes.

But a funny part of the day was I saw Elders multiple times hold doors for sisters but once they were through not hold it for the other Elders. Also our district including the sisters, talked about last kisses and those sort of things, I was dying at all of their drama. One dude kissed his buddie's crush after he left for the MTC and a week later he is in the MTC feeling guilty whenever he sees his buddy. Two annoying things, the name and place game, oh you are from here? Do you know... or you are going here I have a taxi driver who lives there, look out for him, you don't even know this person. Or oh! Elder Hall I know a dude with that last name, are you related? NO ONE CARES. The other thing is the dot, people were so annoying about WELCOME TO THE MTC, and think they are so original. So I decided to wear it for the rest of the MTC. And see how many people say welcome to the MTC. I didn't get Wednesday, but I am averaging a bit over 10 the others. We also got to talk to some investigators [people want to learn more about the church] as a large group, there were so many of us so I couldn't share the stuff I wanted. But I at least I knew the other stuff was true.

Spotted Elder Cribbs [Evan's cousin] and I think Elder Hill? Also I had a breakfast corndog, sausage and pancake around it. One thing I noticed in classes was if you watch the clock it goes slow, if you learn you run out of time. We had a cool experience where we all separately went in with different lessons and ended up teaching the same lesson. THE SPIRIT IS REAL. There was more stuff but I forgot.

Carson L is the name of the investigator, I think he is great, it is weird having the whole district teach him at once though. It is cool how invested we got in teaching him. We walked out of the room we were teaching him in and I was grinning like a fool. Then on Friday we ran out of time so we didn't get to teach him and that made me real sad.  

On Friday it rained which was confusing, also some sisters asked us for directions, We were like luuuuul, we got here this week too. 

Foodwise I am eating pretty healthy, a bowl of fruit per meal, sorry Emma. 

I emptied my mind of this stuff so whoooooooooops.

This Saturday we woke up at 5 to do laundry. We then went to the temple and it was weird everyone was a missionary, there were so many Elders. Also had a good time in the celestial room. Are they required to have chandeliers and mirrors?  [room in temples that symbolizes heaven, and yes, lots have chandeliers and mirrors see here]

Anyway we then came back and studied wrote my email which I promptly deleted. We played more basketball and honestly Elder C is a stud in the paint. We got kicked out because our hour was up so we went and played volleyball as a district. That was fun, Elder R a guy in my district is pretty much as athletic as me. I think not coincidentally his first name is Evan. Then we had class and we failed teaching a different investigator, Carson was out, but there is always next time to do better.

So ends this email, next week will be right below,


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