Tumbleweeds, Facebook, Mosquito

Spoken word has more power behind it, but it is a lot easier to study written words.

This one is a bit interesting, what is the greatest nation ever?

Monday night we had to run down into Muscoy to help a lady secure some stuff from the winds, it was crazy there was garbage cans blown down the streets tipped over, with trash everywhere. Also TUMBLEWEEDS! Those things are incredibally annoying and poky.

At this point I have had to use Spanish twice now to talk to people and I have had varying degrees of success. I was talking to him about soccer, it was great fun.

In district meeting we had a lesson to prepare us for the technology changes coming our way. We have a new two pages about online proselyting in the missionary handbook, and we have a two page change to Chapter eight in preach my gospel so we know do all of our planning a little bit. Probably the highlight of the meeting though was during a roleplay. One missionary was telling how he saw a couple kissing and it made him homesick for his girlfriend. And the other one who was counseling yelled "YEAH THAT WAS NASTY" and that pretty much ruined the mood of the roleplay. But that has been a big point of emphasis, staying focused on why we are out here so we don't get distracted by Facebook. We will activate Facebook tomorrow, YIPPEEEE!

Last Wednesday was exciting because we got a call from the AP's and from President Dixon within the space of am hour. It was all just informative calls, like on Saturday we would have a mini missionary, basically a member who was figuring out if he wanted to go on a mission or one preparing to go on a mission, will come be a missionary with us for a day. More about that excitement later.

We heard quite the interesting story from a member at a lesson, we were teaching a lesson and he said, "the lobsters on the titanic were praying for a miracle..." we were pretty speechless after that. He is one funny guy. But speaking of miracles, we were dropping something off at the church and as we got out some girl was biking by and stopped and asked what time church happened. We were speechless, I didn't know what to do, this had never happened before, we told her when it started, and gave her the YSA [Young Single Adult congregation] phone number. It was pretty cool to have that happen.

 Than we were talking about how when people stop talking to us we start singing, take a chance, by ABBA "if you change your mind, we'll be the first in line, to teach the gospel truths..."

Also we had a great personal study on Friday made even better because we finally killed the mosquito that has been biting us for the past week. There was a joyful celebration. I also deleted all of my notes on my tablet, and I was freaking out because I had quite a few notes from conference, thankfully I retrieved them from the ether, so thank goodness for technology.

We have been having alot of lessons that are with members and that is really good seeing there faith strenghten because of us coming over. Now if only people would be willing to talk to us on the streets that would be even better.

Saturday the mini missionary stopped by at 8 so got to plan with us, and then see those plans fall to pieces because things pop up. That is one of the best parts of missionary work, trying to figure out your day as you go because something unforseen happened. Saturday, the sisters got bedbugs so we had to go back to our apartment, get our vacuum and give it to them. That took up 45 minutes of when we were supposed to be studying and so things it tossed around from there. But besides that we got some nice service in, and taught probably the best lesson so far as a companionship to a less active family.  We ended up with 4 lessons with him and none of them went too badly :). 

Then at the adult session of stake conference, President Dixon gave a sweeeee talk. I love the guy so much. He talked about how the book of Moses is an interesting book, because it is one of the books removed from the bible over the years. And he talked about how his thought is that it must be important if Satan tried to get it removed from existence. So there is some food for thought for you people. He also asked for referrals from everyone from the pulpit. He is a BEAST!

  Also the really cool prospects member has also written a book, "These canyons are filled with ghosts" by Emmet C Harder, he has some really cool stories. 

In stake conference there was a lot about keeping the Sabbath day holy and repentance. Remember folks repentance is a joyous occasion, it allows us to grow closer to God! I know that because I have experienced that in my life, so for all of you humans out there, repent!

-Elder Bearman

 To whom it may concern, at stake conference the air was smelling a bit citrus, so the oranges are doing real good here in California. 

The winds are howling, whistling
Bringing the smell of citrus, and tumbleweeds
Facebook starts in mere moments 


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