And only 12 kittens were saved

God loves us because we are his children! He wants us to succeed.
Now for some questions of the soul, where do we come from?

Last pday was a bit exciting. We played "kittens in the blender", and most of us were not cat people, so we ended up saving 12 or less kittens. I was only sad when they blended my spirit cat, chubbs, who was this fat cat. It reminds me of a nickname of mine, Tubbs. Love ya Max.

Dinner at members houses are so stressful, we have to eat enough so they think we like it, but not too much that we eat them out of the house. So Elder B turned to me and said, your job is to pig out, and I will hold back. That way we cover both ends, he also is trying to lose weight bless his soul. It is a losing battle, just gotta maintain it. I am still sitting under 175, take that Emma.

Also we were walking towards a less active and a car drove by and the driver yelled out, "praise the devil" which we thought was a bit strange and irrelevant. You meet all kinds out here in San Bernardino.

And because we were not productive (number wise) we talked about Mormon and how he wasn't productive (number wise) when he was alive, but through the Book of Mormon he has brought millions to Christ.

District meeting was great, we learned about how to better work with the ward, Elder B had our bishop to call in and he really talked about the less active and bringing them back to worship, they had a testimony at one point, we just have to help them remember about it.

Than we had baptismal interviews, or rather Elder B because he is the District Leader, while he was doing that we had received a referral from a member but the address was a bit off so I had to use Google maps to find the correct address, it took me an hour, but when I succeeded I felt like a champ. Then we had interviews with the Mission President.  President Dixon is awesome, we chatted about how I was doing, how the area is doing, how the companionship was doing. No hints for transfers, but I probably will be chilling with Elder B for the next transfer [Evan and his companion each have a chance of moving to a new location every 6 months, usually only one moves and they each get a new companion].

On new missionary news, we have 10 missionaries leaving and 18 coming in. So lots of people were training. So the mission will be adding some new areas. Also we learned yesterday that we would be getting 5 sisters and 3 elders from Puerto Rico, because of the destruction. We were told that they would arrive with only the clothes on there backs so all of the wards in the mission are donating stuff. We had to get the stuff in the night that everyone heard about it, and still people were donating a lot. It was awesome, Elder Brown and I had to run around pick some stuff up, then people brought stuff to the church, and we sorted and counted everything. It was fun, and when we finished we felt real good, Mosiah 2:17. I love being on a mission.

So President Dixon has 26 missionaries to place by next Sunday.

We also served one of our ward missionaries, by dusting off his massive movie collection. He can't do it because he is SUPER allergic to dust. Regardless it was very relaxing and he had some good ones like stardust, spirited away, and megamind. He has been married for a year, and they have a kid coming soon, so he is super stressed out. It felt good to help him out. It feels good to help anyone out. You guys should try it.

I learned that our mission is going to start implementing smart phones, people will start going into the MTC with them. Also we will be getting Facebook apparently. Exciting times to be out on a mission. All I got to say, having an electronic area book [record of who has been taught what in the past] is sooooooooooooo nice, we can search for people, we can have it all in a tablet instead of a massive binder, also you don't have to deal with handwriting nonsense. I don't know how you old folk dealt with all of that nonsense.

Wednesday, we went to Santa Claus Inc. They have had some boxes of miscellaneous useless stuff, and some guy came by with a uhaul and took it away to his charity home, so the place is much cleaner and less packed with useless stuff. It was fun just hurling all sorts of odds and ends in a truck.

I also lost track of time while Elder Brown was showering, reading Jesus the Christ which is an excellent read. Today I decided to wear contacts the whole day for the first time and I tried to push up my glasses 4 times that day. I also forgot how to hard boil eggs, and i waited for the water to be boiling to drop them in. I lost three good eggs that day. I did have an accidental object lesson though so that was good. For these reasons don't ever call me intelligent.

Also President Dixon came out with us to a lesson, and that was a bit freaky, he had met with the investigator before and wanted to see how she was doing. We read 3 Nephi 18 with her, and it was super spiritual. I think we did not leave a bad impression, so hopefully he [the mission president] won't send me out to the desert.

Also the lady for dinner gave us homemade bread and jam. IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD. Members out here are so nice, I hope that we were as nice to the missionaries, and when i get back, i am going to be nice. It really makes the mission so much easier, and productive.

 Also with the W family, Eva has again entered the fray. Her two kids and husband are baptized, and she has been having some health challenges, but she was back at three lessons and even made it out to worship. We had 4 investigators make it out to worship. 

Eva is starting to get more comfortable with us which is so good, she even is participating in the lessons and sharing what she knows. She really liked it when we went over the 10 commandments with her family, especially the honor your father and mother that thy days may be long on the land.

Charlene has been having some family troubles, and just a lot of bad craziness in her life, we helped her understand the peace that worshipping every Sunday brings. And so we arranged a ride and she came! She looked like she was crying afterwards. We are going to meet with her on Wednesday and see how she is doing. 

Jamil is a guy that came to the Bishop for marriage counseling because he is going to get married soon. The bishop told him, you know the gospel really blesses family. Which is a fact, I love my family. So he is taking the lessons! When we taught him the plan of salvation, he was like oooooooooh, so Adam had to fall? And we were like YES SIR, 2 Nephi 2:22-25.

Michelle is a former [previously taught by missionaries] and decided to come to church randomly. Hopefully she enjoyed the worship service.

We planned so much on Thursday we didn't get out of the house until 3:30. It turns out that 66 degrees with a breeze is incredibly cold. But we heated up lasagna and made a fruit salad, it was wonderful. 

We had exchanges on Saturday, Elder E is Australian and he is almost done. He is hilarious and still hardworking. I wish that at the end of the mission I will be like him. I learned how to have an effective comp study. I also learned what i like in a companion. 

That sums it up,
Elder Bearman

Transfer rumors are quite fun
Charlene is a super sweet old lady
Elder B is training well

P.S. sorry for the lack of pictures, one is a sweet picture from a sister from the MTC who is in New York


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