Sit back, relax, and LISTEN 3/11/2019

This week we had a really instructive zone conference, where they talked about as, ing questions then genuinely listening to what people have to say (they also said it was good marriage advice), so there you go! But is really neat to see how important it is in any situation to listen to what people are saying and not be thinking about how you can make a witty comeback or solve the problem. You learn all sorts of life skills on a mission.

Also last pday we played a game of wiffle ball, it was a good time, and so we got some pictures of the team!

We also had a really good stake conference where Elder

 Hallstrom shared a lot about conversion to Jesus Christ being our foundation, as well as how reverence is more than just being quiet, but how we live our life.

The weather thankfully did not go as forecasted, it was supposed to rain off and on all week, and it only really rained once. It also got up to 60 and sunny which was nice. I still haven't been able to take my jacket off though. 😊

I lost motivation to write anymore, sorry

-Elder Bearman

Shut up and listen
People like to talk anyway
Enjoy spring and stuff


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