Snow 2/18/2019

It snowed last night, and it is supposed to snow on Thursday so exciting times!

We met a couple this week, Annette and Raymond, and they had questions about the plan of salvation, and so we are going by this week to go through it with them. We also were able to get into the homes of a couple of part member families as well this week, so good times! One of the families, we caught them outside, and we cut her grass with an old fashioned lawn mower which was quite novel. 

Last Monday we stopped by someone who has been taught in the past, we have stopped by and talked to her daughter before, because she is the one who always opened the door. So same routine, but the lady said come back the next day. But as we were leaving the lady called us back and said her daughter wanted to hear what we have to say and so we have been able to have a couple lessons with them. 

We had a fun time this week mobbing the streets in the rain we just went out and owned it. So we have been drying off quite a bit at night. Also we have been going on with members and making that a focus and it has been awesome. 

-Elder Bearman

We met new friends
Lets go biking in the snow! 
The members give rides


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