Come on Sears - July 30, 2018

We went out with President Sears, the first councilor in the mission presidency, and he was super swesome. It was amazing experience, he has gotten down the asking inspired questions, it was amazing. He went up to people we had been meeting already and got to know them way better, and the spirit was  there and so that taught me. I think he did a really good job of showing how it was done, and gave some good questions to think about for eve nmy self personally which is really cool.

Also, ward basketball is a sweet way to meet new people, as well as members who have been less active. Also it is a great way to exercise in the morning. The triple whammy.

Last week we also went to an African market, it was really cool, unfortunatly I did not by anything because I wasn't sure how to use any of it. Besides the spam, I can use spam.

Also in our Book of Mormon class we got to Jacob 5 and we had a friend there. So we had to draw it out on the chalkboard and it went pretty well, see the end result in the images. 

-Elder Bearman

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