So many interesting things happened this week, I can't make a cheesy subject line!
Also no pictures of me, I failed
The people in our district got whacked hard by ailments this
week, I am fine but 4 out of the 6 other missionaries in the area got various
I also cut my hair last week with the help of a roomate, it
turned out not too bad. Next time the goal is to do it quicker.
last week we also played one of those board games that takes
hours to complete, it was awesome, but is the reason behind the crummy emails,
lo siento.
We had a really great talk in sacrament meeting about
teaching in the family, and how parents just need to do the small things and
set an example. It was perfect for our investigator... Who wasn't there. But we
were able to take the member to a lesson with them and he was able to give an
abbreviated version to them and it was awesome. Members are pretty sweet.
We also were biking around and there were these two big dogs
that had gotten out of there fence and were running around, and I went to go
get in front of them, and then they started chasing me, and so I had to bike
away. That was quite a misjudgement on my part, my companion was following
behind the dogs cracking up.
Also Jenny got rammed by a companion again, and the rim was
super messed up, so we took her in for a new rim, and the warranty covered it
so it was free! Tender mercies!
Also I was reading in Genesis about Jacob stealing the
birthright from Esau and started singing the scripture scouts for it, and it
turns out Elder R had scripture scouts as well! So we sang some songs
and chummed it up. Elder R is most triumphant.
Saturday got a bit toasty, 92 and sunny as can be, we spent
4 hours biking around outside finding. It was awesome, I got a sweet ring tan
and my watch tan improved alot as well! Summer will not be fun!
I am having the time of my life out here! Keep on staying
-Elder Bearman
The district got super sick
The sun is starting to beat down
Elder R knows scripture scouts!
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