Frustration with medical care

I just wanted to say that I am kinda ticked that the capitols waited for me to go on a mission before
winning the cup but, I would like to request some swag!

Last Monday night Elder R and I crashed into each other, I am fine and the bikes are fine. Elder R hurt his wrist, so we iced and wrapped it, nothing to exciting, but after it didn't clear up by Friday, we went and spent 4 hours at urgent care trying to figure out insurance and paperwork, which was LOVELY. It turns out he fractured his wrist which made me really sad for many reasons, one of which being that he had to get transfered out. I will really miss him.

So that threw off the rest of the week because we couldn't bike, so we were pounding the pavement, which was alot of fun. We were able to chat with even more people then when we bike around. 

We were able to do a lot of planning and studies while we were inside though.

The sisters who cover our area, had to push back there planning day, and so they let us borrow there car, which was awesome! it let us get out and about, even better then on bike. However that was the day we spent and hour and a half figuring out paperwork, another hour trying to figure out insurance, and an hour being seen. Also the sisters didn't put on sunscreen and after being in car they got burnt, pretty bad.

I have been studying in Doctrine and Covenants about how as the church was being organized, people received individual revelation about there role in the restoration. At first I was skimming through it and then it said at the end of one, everyone else should take these things to heart which is awesome, and made me feel like a fool. But it made me pay more attention to everyone elses individual revelation as I have continued to read.

Have a great week!
-Elder Bearman

Elder R is leaving :(
It's starting to heat up out here
We walked around a lot

I didn't take any pictures again, so I took a selfie to appease you dad. I love you enough to compromise my standards. I imitated one of my roommates because he is better at posing for pictures than I am. 


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