Back on Bike Baby!

Elder R got transferred out because he fractured his wrist, so that was super sad. On the other hand

that meant we could go out on bike again which was a blessing.

We met our downstairs nieghbor recently, Lajonda, she is super cool and actually went to the cherry blossom festival this year!

Elder H came to Baseline all the way from 29 palms, by the military base. He has been out for 4 and a half months. He is from Roosevelt, Utah. He made cabinets for his job prior to the mission.

Also Elder W is back in town! From way back at the beginning of the year in Prospect park! He also is in the district and so I will be able to go on exchanges with him. I talked with him a little bit already, reminiscing about the good old days.

We did service at Al's, he is the hoarder of cars, we were there fort 3 hours moving a Buick, by the end we were described as "looking like a neopolitan" because I am white, the dirt was brown, and I also got a little sunburnt. 

Last Monday we went out to Palm Springs with a member, and we went on the tram which is basically a giant ski lift up into the mountains. You can see the pictures of the top and of the valley. It was pretty sweet, it was also 100 at the bottom and high 70s at the top. That member also happened to be the son of the presiding bishop a few years back, Victor Brown, as well as the great nephew of Hugh B Brown. you meet the coolest people on a mission. There also was some very funny slogans on billboards for weed on the way out.

We had an awesome Father's day sacrament meeting, we had a less active come and he really wants to set an example for his kids, and so all the talks were about the role of the father, and a young man talked alot about how awesome his father was and it was perfect!     

Elder Bearman

I went to Palm Springs
Elder H is ready to work hard
Time is flying on by


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