I have been invited to baptise someone in 4 years!

It was an interesting week, but that is every week as a missionary.

A member took us to a golf course last week, because he is fairly wealthy and Elder Williamson loves golf. I made par twice so I am pretty much a professional. We also had dinner with one of my favorite families, every time we have dinner they talk about the weirdest things, this time it was whales. And every time it ends with Brother G saying I would rather be homeless than spend eternity with these two, and the wife says, we can arrange that. They are so funny, because that is how the diner always end. Trust in marriage. 

The first presidencay announcement thing was fun. I am excited to hear from Elder Oaks more often. His talks are a bit doctriny but since I am on a mission that makes me pretty stoked. The Q&A was hilarious, I really liked their answer to the Church's stance on LGBT talking about the love of God and the Law of God. People should really watch that so they too can know understand what the Church (and God's) stance on those questions.

We had a training on how to count homeless people which is what we will be doing on Thursday to see how much money the county gets for them, it should be interesting. Apparently some Elders will get to go into the wash on 4 wheelers, with police to count the homeless camps on the wash. That would be super fun.

L is a members friend, who had met with missionaries when she was living with her parents, but her parents wouldn't let the sister missionaries come back. Fast forward a couple years and she is rooming with her friend, and so when we stopped by we started teaching her. She is so excited to be baptized, like that is almost all she talks about, which is so infectious, we just have to teach quickly and well, so she can understand the gospel. We are so excited for her, and she can't wait for her daughter to get baptized... in 4 years, she asked her which elder do you want to baptize you? and she pointed at me, so in 4 years, we will see what happens. She really understands agency and family. Every discussion leads back to that.

We had an awesome lesson with some investigators we have been meeting with for a while. They look so different from the first time we met them. Elder W described it as they just looked so much more, vibrant.

On friday we discovered how much tracting doesn't work in our area, needless to say, unless it is inspired we will try to never do that again. 3 hrs, 1/5th of the doors opened, and our longest conversation was about 2 minutes where the guy said, he liked the church because of our stance on LGBT but he would never join it.

One of the YSA elders, Elder B, got food poisoning so they were kind enough to let us borrow their car to go up into the hills to help some people move in. Moving people in and out is quite a bit of fun. We had dinner with yet another one of my favorite families, they have a son on a mission so they spoil us rotten, also they both are extremely sarcastic which is great fun. We also biked down Rossmont. It is a big steep hill, which is so much fun.

Also it was super cold this week, it got down to like 55. It was terrible.

Just Keep Swimming,
Elder Bearman 

is sooper dooper stoked
We have to teach her a lot

February 10th is so soon


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